Hat tip to Marian Douglas:

“Do you want to blog live from the European Greens’ Election Congress in the heart of Brussels, in the European Parliament? Capture insights from behind the scenes? The EGP will invite 3 bloggers to the upcoming Election Congress of the European Greens on 27th and 28th of March.

The EGP will cover the travel and accommodation costs for the 3 selected bloggers and provide access to the entire event and a pass to the press centre. We will offer one to one interviews with top-ranking politicians. There will also be someone who will provide the selected bloggers with the help and assistance they require.

Furthermore, we will post direct links to all blog entries on the EGP website.

Everyone who is interested in the EU and Green politics and who also writes their own blog is welcome to apply. The current popularity of your blog or the nature of your own political views are not determining factors: we will select the most interesting and exciting applicants. So please attach a short letter of motivation and a link to your blog.

Of course, everybody that is not selected will also be welcome to blog about the EGP Congress which will be web streamed.

Mail to: szilvia.csanyi@europeangreens.eu

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