Philippa Ebéné, left, Photo from
Dear friends,
We’d like to bring to your attention something that’s happening at the cultural center called “Werkstatt der Kulturen” in Berlin at the moment.
We ask for your solidarity and support for this case.
In brief:
Philippa Ebéné, head of “Werkstatt der Kulturen”, is under immense media pressure because of her decision to cancel the exhibition “Die Dritte Welt im Zweiten Weltkrieg” (The Third World in the Second World War).
In this blog entry the case is displayed more detailed. There, we are collecting German and international voices of resistance.
Typically, media coverage, Blogs or letters from the “outside” , especially the US and UK are being much more considered in Germany than are the voices and statements of Blacks and PoC in Germany. Your feedback on this could help a big deal here.
Please spread the word, post your statements or write to the Integration-commissioner.
der braune mob e.V.
media-watch – schwarze deutsche in medien und öffentlichkeit