International Black Women's Film Festival

No Submission Fee If Postmarked by May 17, 2010

The festival accepts all categories, including, shorts, features, documentaries, experimental, music video,
digital media, online films and animation. All genres are accepted, except for explicit adult film/video.

Registration is available online or offline, but we are strongly encouraging online submissions.

You can find more information and get registration a application online at:

(*You can also register via Facebook Connect. Download areas require Registration.)

Click for More Information:
Submission Requirements
Registration Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: sponsorships [at] ibwff [dot] com

More Questions?
Please send an email to director [at] ibwff [dot] com

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1 Comment

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kwan Booth, Unrast Verlag, B-Girls , B-Girls , BWIE and others. BWIE said: International Black Women’s Film Festival 2010 Call For Submissions: No Submission Fee If Postmarked by May 17, 20… […]

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