Led by Brenda King, Chief Executive, African & Caribbean Diversity are improving the lives of our youth.

Brenda King and AC Diversity

In 2014 African & Caribbean Diversity has been recognised for its leadership in attracting, retaining and progressing the best Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) talent by being Highly Commended for the Developing Talent Award – Attraction at the Race for Opportunity Awards 2014. Race for Opportunity is the race equality campaign from Business in the Community.

African & Caribbean Diversity was Highly Commended for the Developing Talent Award – Attraction, which recognises organisations who have developed processes, initiatives and programmes that aim to help young BAME people to prepare for and enter the UK workforce. Read more.

AC Diversity

African & Caribbean Diversity was commended for its Commitment to the Community at the 2014 London Business Awards. The London Business Awards are organised by Prospects Business Support, part of the Prospects Group which provides a wide range of education, employment and training services in the UK and internationally. Read more.

8th Precious Awards

African & Caribbean Diversity was shortlisted as a finalist in The 8th Annual PRECIOUS Awards in the Social Enterprise of the Year category.

The annual awards recognise those organisations that are pushing the boundaries, and supporting the needs and aspirations of women of colour in the business environment, as well as retaining its roots of recognising individual women and creating even more role models.

The Social Enterprise of the Year Award is given to social enterprise operated or owned by a woman of colour.

Read more to discover why Brenda King is a Black Women in Europe Power Lister.

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