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Listen to Angela Shaw and 27 others on The Lost in Transition Global Telesummit

This event is today. Register now:

Global Panel Of Experts
Global Panel Of Experts

Hear live from 28 experts who will share their secrets for living a successful life in transition!

Join us for this inspiring, life-changing virtual event over the next three months where expats, military and thought leaders from across the globe share their stories, triumphs, challenges and invaluable strategies for creating an amazing global life.

Dr. Paulette M. Bethel brings together 28 world class authors, entrepreneurs, mentors, visionaries, and global life experts from around the globe share their insights and offer solutions for the Lost in Transition Telesummit – the first ever FREE live virtual event of this kind!


  • Feel lost and unrooted as you attempt to define the meaning of “Home”
  • Struggle with dealing with your family’s feelings of uncertainty before, during and following relocation to another country, culture or location
  • Want to discover and use your gifts and “hidden diversity” from living a globally mobile life
  • Are ready to understand and resolve identity, belonging and connection impacts due to transition
  • Desire living a meaningful, successful and fulfilled life abroad
  • Are ready to enthusiastically embrace all parts of the globally mobile experience – enthusiastically
  • Feel at home and like a stranger at the same time anywhere and everywhere you go
  • Yearn to overcome the challenges associated with relocation and transition
  • Are an entrepreneur who wants to create portable career opportunities as an accompanying spouse
  • Have a longing for belonging and a desire to feel more connection in your relationships
  • Are an educator or counselor working with Third Culture Kids and want to better support their needs
  • Want to thrive personally, emotionally and socially in your amazing global life

This event is today. Register now:

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