Bill gave me access to his groups’ archives for the Slavery Essays Project 2007 and Black History Research Archive 2007. This is the first item I would like to share as a follow up to previous posts on the 200th Anniversary of the abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

Archbishops’ reflections on the slave pits in Zanzibar

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  1. Atta girl! I knew that you would make good use of that information in our archives.

    I personally find the history and beauty of Zanzibar fascinating despite its horrible legacy with the slave trade. Zanzibar is also important in that its ports were used by Arab slave traders (Sultan of Oman, etc.) to send their human cargo to the Middle East and beyond to Asia. Far too little about that historical aspect of the African slave trade has been carefully researched and information made available to the general public.

    The African slave trade to Eastern kingdoms and countries exceeded the European and transatlantic slave trade by more than a 1,000 years! We’re talking big numbers here, very big.

  2. Black Woman in Europe

    Thanks Bill. I will go through all of your archives as they are a weathly resource for us. And I still want to share your entries for Black History month in Europe and the posts from the Afro-German scholars you work with! I can’t thank you enough.

    ANd you’re right the Arab Slave Trade history is long, long, long.

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