I am very happy to announce that the Black Women in Europe Blog (B.W.I.E.) has a new home and a new look.

You can find it here:
https://blackwomeineurope.com https://blackwomeineurope.com

I am also pleased to announce that Black Women in Europe will launch a new website very soon to compliment the http://blog.blckwomenineurope.com B.W.I.E. blog.

And even more plans are in the works. I will tell you more when I can.

I would love your feedback on the new look https://blackwomeineurope.com blog.

I will keep the Blogger blog active to provide access to the archives and enable fuure comments on previous posts.

However starting on Monday 7 July 2008 I will place all new posts at our new home!

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  1. Hello there,

    I wanted you to check out http://www.linkexpats.com (social networking for expatriates). I thought it might be interesting for your readers, maybe you can add it to your links list as well.


  2. I love your blog and the new look! I’m looking forward to your new “companion” blog.

  3. Black Women in Europe

    Thanks Sandra!

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