University of Oxford Emblem

Dear all,

With Trinity Term coming to an end, the Race and Resistance team is looking to close out the year with an informal meeting to discuss our plans, events, and team for the upcoming year. Come along to the seminar room on the top floor of TORCH on Friday 8 June from 12.45-2 to chat with us about what you would like to see happen at Race and Resistance next year, or what you think we could improve from this year. We are also seeking students and ECRs to join our executive committee for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year. If you’re interested, do stop by on Friday or send an email to

A few other notices:

  1. On 12 June from 10.30-3.30, the History Faculty will be hosting its annual ‘teach-in’, this year on the theme of Black and Asian British history, in the Oakeshott Room, Lincoln College. Students and staff from all faculties are invited to participate in four interactive sessions on ‘Windrush and Calypso’, ‘Windrush and Literature’, ‘Post-War Asian Migration’, and ‘Oxford’s Windrush Generation’. To register, please email by 5 June.
  2. On 14 June from 7.30, St. John’s Auditorium will be hosting a live performance from calypsonians Tobago and d’Lime. This is your chance to hear one of the best calypso bands in the business do their thing, and discuss calypso music, Windrush, and Caribbean culture in the UK with a panel of experts. The event is FREE, but there will be a collection for the Windrush Justice Fund in support of those caught up in the recent deportations scandal. Booking and further details here.
  3. On 8 June from 5-6.30, the History Faculty and Merton College will be hosting the distinguished historian of the black diaspora Professor Hakim Adi (Chichester) to talk about ‘The Empire Windrush and Black British History’. All are most welcome – booking here.
  4. On 25 June, Professor Ankhi Mukherjee (English Faculty) is putting on a one-day conference in Oxford entitled ‘Global Hungers’, with keynotes from Leela Gandhi and Gayatri Spivak. The conference is concerned with issues of race, gender, migration, equality, precarity, and the physical and emotional deprivations of the uneven global economy. Registration is here, and the programme is here.

Hope to see you on Friday!

Mike and Evan

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