From Laura Bazile in England


After a full year of hard work, you will probably pretend to still have options of joining ‘new’ types of online communities, leaving others, while keeping in mind that time is precious and what prevails is bringing something to others and to yourself. So go for it, do your homework and plan what can be an efficient overview!


While contributing online has no secret for you, you are probably looking for real feedback: on your business, on facets of your networking activity and much more. If you simply take the time to rethink what you invest into social media, you would probably love to find out how to improve process and route, how to optimize time you spend producing your online work. More than this, your main quest will be: get the right tools, the effective solutions to reach your goal.


Chasing any little doubt about social media tools emerging every day, we could not imagine looking for and ‘not’ finding one answering to our needs in a specific situation; plus in a more frustrated way, it is impossible to keep being updated on all new technology-oriented trends.

Anyway, our purpose for the coming year could be to keep an eye on what is new (what is ‘big’?!), while choosing what is definitely an evolution (for your activity/business, …) and not just another tool.

What about you, is your to-do list ready?


Laura Bazile is an events professional, loves travelling, meeting & helping people, and is passionate about social media, live & virtual arts, and design.

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