black london

Sanchia Alasia is standing for the position of councillor for the first time in Alibon Ward

Hat tip: Precious Online

Sanchia Alasia is a young person who lives in and is standing for the position of councillor for the first time in Alibon Ward.

Sanchia lasia

Sanchia has always been an active individual having been a governor and vice president at university, as well as member of the Labour party, Fabian Society, Co-op Party and trade union, Sanchia has worked over the years with a number of MP’s throughout London and now wants to bring that experience to help and to work closely with local residents in Alibon resolving their issues with long lasting solutions.

Learn more about Labour Party in Barking.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BWIE. BWIE said: Sanchia Alasia is standing for the position of councillor for the first time in Alibon Ward […]

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