black UK

Shifting The Roots – The Natural Hair Journey of UK Sisters

Taiwo Ogunnaike is working on a book project about natural hair:

Hello to all my sisters in Europe!

I am currently living in the Netherlands. I was born in the UK and I guess, in some way, that is where my roots are still.

Anyway, I am taking on a really big project on writing a book on UK Black women and their natural hair journeys. It’s about giving a voice to Black women who were born or have lived in the UK for a long time. I would like to our stories to be told – in fact, I feel it is time for us to document our unique perspective in this natural hair renaissance that is currently occurring.

If you know of any women who want to take part in this book or if you are interested, please check out my website for further contact details:

Taiwo Ogunnaike

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  1. Are you going to submit your story?

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