By Mario de Valdes y Cocom
In the middle of the 14th century, one of the most profound examples of the symbol of the blackamoor can be seen in the use of this image to represent Christ. It is clear from the documentation we have for the city of Lauingen in Germany, for example, that at about this time, the city’s seal with the head of Christ wearing a crown of thorns is transformed to the head of a blackamoor wearing a golden crown. That the latter insignia is meant to represent the former is quite obvious from the accompanying inscriptions. One of the earlier ones read: “Sigillum civium de Lougingin” (seal of the city of Lauingen), while a later version clearly explains itself as the “Sigillum secretum civitatis palatinae Lavgingen (secret seal of the palatinate city of Lauingen).” Read the rest here.

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