Starting tomorrow be prepared to enter a world of beauty and business

I can’t rave enough about Stockholm Beauty Week and this year I am SUPER EXCITED and SUPER GRATEFUL to be introduced to Gilda Liljeblad skincare. I was already hooked on Gilda Skolan when I met wonderful students at SBW 2019 who gave MAD love to my brows. So much so, that I took a girlfriend and we had a mini spa day at the school in Stockholm. She left me asleep on the treatment table I was so comfortable. So when a skincare line gleaned from the long heritage that is Gilda Liljeblad, named after the skincare educating pioneer herself, I was THRILLED when Benjamin Liljeblad gave me a personal consultation via email using the pictures below (and one other closer up, but I am sparing you that here) before handpicking the products that are right for my skin that included looking at my skin and knowing my age.
Here is my personalised recommended Gilda Liljeblad routine:
Our cleansing oil would be your twice per day cleanser – it’s one that foams up, so you use it as a wash (applied on dry skin and then emulsified). It isn’t meant to remove eye makeup but does that too, just be gentle around the eyes.
To tone your skin I advise our calming toner – it contains soothing and hydrating ingredients, calming the skin is an essential step when treating PIH.
As a serum, I advise Energising Vitamin C serum, twice per day. This is mixed in with our moisturizer Fortifying Barrier Cream, Use one pump of the serum and one of the cream. This cocktail will be perfect for your skin and will deliver brightening results with tons of hydration and glow!
On top of this, you need to use SPF, preferably a factor of 50. Have you found a good one that works on melanin-rich skin? Some can give a white cast which isn’t ideal of course. The Evy Sunscreen* is a truly outstanding one that delivers good protection and elegant appearance, in case you are looking for one to get.
Wearing an SPF daily is the key to seeing the results you want as UV-A in particular drives pigmentation in the skin. — Benjamin Liljeblad, Aukt Hudterapeut, Produktansvarig
Well we know it’s all about Benjamin, right? Not only am I set to tackle winter skin in Sweden (eek) as well as airplane air (eek) and winter skin on the east coast of the US (eek), Like everyone else I am stressed out. We have PTSD from 2020 and 2021. We crave closeness and routine and doing things outside of our living space and bubble. Actually, I like my bubble, but the stress is showing on me, wearing me down.
So while 2020 was the year of self-care as a direct response to the pandemic, I declared 2021 the year of no, stepping back, putting self-care into overdrive. Things don’t always go to plan, but I can say that what has transpired this year in my life reinforces the video that self-care is not a moment, a fad, a buzzword, and not anything other than necessary for every person. That’s why I am grateful to Stockholm Beauty Week for providing the platform for self-care, to loose oneself, to indulge, to engage, to learn, and forget about your problems. Except for the skincare routine problems a visit to SBW 2021 can fix!
*more about Evy Sunscreen soon!