Give me what you got. Read the full story in The Guardian.
‘Whatever you offer, I’ll take’: the poet who crossed Europe filming Black experience

It ain't where you're from it's where you're at.
Give me what you got. Read the full story in The Guardian.
Come together again ! AFRO-CONNECTION Sonntag 03.03. – 16.00 Uhr, UMDENKBAR, Marschnerstieg 7, (direkt U-Bahn Hamburger Str.)
With Elaine Thomas, Akosua Aset, MaSeHo, Nyasha Mudo, and Ajani.
Saturday, 29. January, 22:00 – 30. January 05:00 Café Schöne Aussichten Gorch Fock Wall 4, S-Bahn Dammtor / U1 Stephansplatz Hamburg, Germany BLACK HISTORY MONTH …
I shared this on the AfroSpear Think Tank Blog yesterday: \ Jenny Beyer, Christoph Leuenberger und Anja Müller (v. l.) schlüpften in “fremde Haut”, um …