KD Counseil

Kathleen Dameron founded KD Conseil in 1992, and focuses on training, facilitating and coaching in Intercultural Management with a network of international professionals. Kathleen was born and raised in America, and is a French national. She was trained at American and French universities in both:
• Cross Cultural Studies & Communications, and
• Social and Economic Administration

During her career, she has been company secretary of a French subsidiary of a leading American beauty products company working on products for the ethnic market.

She is certified as a coach by the International Coaching Federation, and she holds certificates in Team Management Systems©, Situational Leadership II©, Coaching & Modeling, and Self-Relations (Ericksonian Hypnotherapy). In addition, Kathleen has a Master in Neurolinguistic Programming.

Kathleen’s clients have included: 3M, AGF, Alcan, Aerospatiale, BNP Paribas, Faurecia, Delphi, Essilor, France Télécom, Herman Miller, Lima grain, LVMH (Louis Vuitton) MBDA, Pfizer, PSA (makers of Peugeot & Citroen automobiles)., Thales, Thomson multimedia, Tyco electronics and Veolia.

She also teaches at ESSEC on the Executive MBA program, MG and the Mastère en Stratégie des Affaires Internationales (MS SIAI), as well as, programs specifically designed for individual companies.

Kathleen’s strong facilitation skills and high flexibility enable her to train groups as large as 180 people or provide one-on-one coaching, as the client’s needs dictate.

Although her specialties are in multicultural and multilingual situations, she is also experienced in designing and delivering experiential-based, professionally targeted interventions.

She is experienced with middle and senior level management in a wide range of sectors, including banking, defense, and retail.

Kathleen has management behavior and leadership skills in the international environment, and she has experience in intercultural management, communication and coaching.

Kathleen trains and facilitates in English, French and Spanish.

Visit KD Counseil‘s website for more information.

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