I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. I try to make the changes I need for a better life as soon as I see an opportunity for improvement. But some New Year’s Eves are more sentimental than others prompting the desire for full self examination in order to make a list of resolutions on which to act during the year. 12 December 2009 was one such New Year’s Eve.


For the first time I am making a list of New Year’s resolutions for the Black Women in Europe™ blog. If I focus on one resolution a week this month it could become habit by February and I should be able to stay on track for Twenty Ten.

1. I resolve to give readers and social network members exactly what they ask for.

I’ll take the information gleaned from our 3rd blog and 2nd social network anniversaries survey in 2009 and literally give my readers and social network members, who responded from Australia, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Rwanda, United Kingdom and the United States, what they asked for as far as features and content.

2. I resolve to convert more Black Women in Europe ™ social network members to blog readers.

The survey shows that while the majority of the social network members are blog readers 20% are not. Again here’s where giving them what they asked for should help. Both are invited to keep up with the blog via Friend Connect. Join Friend Connect in the blue bar at the top of the page. Or use the RSS feed.

3. I resolve to make the Black Women in Europe™ blog (even) more helpful, entertaining, and informative.

Surveys are great! Now I know what my readers and members found helpful, entertaining and informative. And I can make the blog even more helpful, entertaining, and informative.

4. I resolve to increase the Black Women in Europe ™ social network membership to 1,000 from current numbers of 600+.

There is strength in numbers. Not to mention new connections for your social and business network. If you are a sister in Eurpe Black Women in Europe ™ social network join to share and receive information and inspiration with other sisters in Europe and around the world. Be sure to invite other black women you know currently living, working and/or studying in Europe to join the Black Women in Europe™ social network.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BWIE, BWIE. BWIE said: Twenty Ten Black Women in Europe™ Blog and Social Network Resolutions: I’ve never been a huge fan of New Yearâ.. http://bit.ly/6AB1NS […]

  2. I am happy to have found this blog :o)


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