Oxford African History Celebration (OAHC) 2017

Oxford African History Month

Saturday 18th November; From 2.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

Venue: Church Hall of the NT Church of God, Between Towns Road, Cowley, Oxford. (Next to Cowley Social/Pool Club).


With the release of October’s Race Disparity Audit (RDA) from the Prime Minister, and the September publication of the Lammy Review, into the unacceptable treatment of African heritage people in the criminal justice system.  The report reveals devastatingly limited life chances for English people of African heritage.  The aim of this year’s OAHC 2017 is to create a regional organisation which responds to the concerns of English Born People of African Caribbean Heritage (EBPACH).     ALL are welcome to attend and share. 

Oxford African History Month


2.00 pm: Welcome Presentation and Introduction

(1)  2.15- 3.15 pm: Presentation and Discussion: Nigeria

Artwell’s paper on Nigeria; Oil Rich, Bright confident people with the largest population in Africa.  What can the history of independent Nigerian governments teach us today about African nation building?

3.15 – 4.00 p.m. Book Review:

Book 1: “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race” by Reni Eddo-Lodge

Longlisted for the Baillie-Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction 2017

A timely and essential new framework on how to see, acknowledge and counter racism. It is a searing and illuminating exploration of what it is to be a person of colour in Britain today.

Book 2: “Single, Spiritual …… and Sexual” by Cezanne Taharqa Poetess.

The compelling story of the search, by an English born woman of Caribbean heritage, for spirituality and love.

Book 3: “Britain’s Black Debt. Reparations for Caribbean Slavery and Native Genocide by Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice -Chancellor of the University of the West Indies and chairman of the CARICOM Reparations Committee. This is the first scholarly work to look comprehensively at the reparations discussion in the Caribbean, and is required reading for all African heritage people.

Oxford African History Month

4.00 – 4.30 p.m. Tea break

(2) 4.30 – 5.30 p.m.    Here today, but what is the vision for tomorrow?

With the march of a far less caring social society, and with the advance of urban gentrification, EBPACH require specific leadership.  However, EBPACH have no national speakers or representative; no national Charity; no national political organisation; no cultural or spiritual leadership.

The Russell Group of Universities employ very few EBPACH as academics, and those with higher educational qualifications struggle to gain employment commensurate with their knowledge. According to the recent Lammy Review, chaired by Rt Hon David Lammy MP, our youth account for 41% of the prison population and the Treasury spends £300 million annually incarcerating our neglected youth.

Local people (pastors and activists) have been asked to speak for ten minutes on the position EBPACH hold in English society today, and express their future vision for EBPACH.

5:30 – 6.30 p.m. Caribbean Curry Goat, Fruit & Drink to purchase

(3) 6.30 – 7.15 p.m.  Discussion: How can African, Caribbean heritage people protect their children from Secularism?

African and Caribbean people have embraced the Bible and the Koran.  How should African Caribbean heritage people protect their children from the demands of aggressive secularism which opposes the Creator in favour of Darwin’s theory; and with the teaching of practices opposed in the Bible and the Koran.  What should be the correct response of African Caribbean heritage people?

Oxford African History Month

(4)   7.15 – 7 45 p.m. The Life and enormous contribution to music of

QUINCY JONES: Big Band Leader; Trumpeter, Film Scores, Off the Wall.

(5)             7:45 – 8:30 p.m. Presentation and Discussion

Artwell’s Paper on how African American males are presented in the Media, by looking at the extraordinary life of the Boxing champion, MIKE TYSON.

Reference: Mike Tyson’s “Undisputed Truth: My Autobiography”

8:30 – 9.00 p.m. Final call for activists

Food, networking, greeting strangers, with background music.For further info contact: Email:  artwellcampaign@gmail.com ; Mob: 0775 78 12 449

This event is Free, but OAHC would appreciate your generosity in donating to help with our campaigns.  The NT Church has given their premises without charge and OAHC would like to contribute to their funds.

Photos from Twitter.

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