The writers and editors of the Paris Review, taken outside the Caf?? de Tournon in late 1954 or early 1955. Front row, from left to right: Vilma Howard, poet; Jane Lougee, the publisher of Merlin; Muffy Wainhouse, the wife of Austryn Wainhouse; Jean Garrigue, poet. Second row: Christopher Logue, poet and Merlin editor; Richard Seaver, editor of the Evergreen Review; Evan S. Connell, novelist; Niccolo Tucci, essayist and novelist; a lady known as “Gloria the Beautiful Cloak Model”; Michel van der Plats from the Dutch publication Het Vaderland; Peter Huyn, poet and editor; Alfred Chester, novelist and short story writer; Austryn Wainhouse, novelist and Merlin editor. Top row: Paris Review editors Eugene Walter, George Plimpton and William P??ne du Bois; James Broughton, film-maker; William Gardner Smith, novelist; Harold Witt, poet.

Vilma Howard, whose poetry has appeared in Phylon and the Paris Review, is a born New Yorker, who, after her marriage to a young Englishman, now lives in Lesham gardens, London, but frequently travels on the continent. She is a graduate of Fisk University, has one child, and sometimes works as a free lance journalist.

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  1. Riva Isacowitz Econopouly

    Hello Vilma,
    I’ve been thinking of you now and then over the past 70 years. If you remember me and have the inclination I’d really like to catch up with you.

  2. Riva Isacowitz Econopouly

    See above.

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