black austria

WDLS-EU proudly announces 54 international and regional high profiled diversity thought leaders including CEOs, policy-makers, ministers, researchers and practitioners registered to speak at the WDLS-EU 2010

The team of WDLS-EU proudly announces 54 international and regional high profiled diversity thought leaders including CEOs, policy-makers, ministers, researchers and practitioners registered to speak at the WDLS-EU 2010.


Visit for a full agenda and registration.

Our registered featured speakers include:

Josef Pröll (Vice Chancellor and Minister of Finance, Austria)
Rudolf Hundstorfer (Minister of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Austria)
H.E William C. Eacho 111 (Ambassador of the USA to Austria)
Wolfgang Ruttendorfer (CEO OMV AG Group, Austria)
Lord Michael Hastings (Lord Hastings of Scarisbrick, CBE International Director of Corporate Citizenship at KPMG, UK)
Douglas Freeman (CEO Virtcom Consulting and mastermind of the WDLS, USA)
John Barrett (Ambassador of Canada to Austria)
Brigitte Jank (President Vienna Chamber of Economic and Industry, Austria)
Hans Jablonski (CEO Jablonski Businesses, Germany)
Morten Kjærum (Director of the European Fundamental Rights Agency, Austria)
Michael Bird (Regional Director, British Council, Austria)
Angela Hang (Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, Austria)
Andrés Tapia (Chief Diversity Officer/Emerging Workforce Solutions Leader
Hewitt Associates, USA)

and many more.

Visit website in the next days for our speakers update.

Register today, join our early birds and benefit from our special offer.

Registration available online under:

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