Thank you to everyone who participated in the Black Women in Europe™ Blog and Social Network Anniversary survey. The following ladies won gifts from our sponsors:

Monique in the Netherlands won 2 sessions of Dispell Disbelief™ Coaching from Creating Tomorrow, Terra in the UK won a 9 piece sample pack worth 30 Great British Pounds from IronSun Organics , Shirley in the Italy won Sheabutter Cottage’s: Cioccolatina gift box worth £20, Sheabutter Cottage gift box worth £15, AshantiGirl gift box worth £10, and Addyl in Rawanda won 369 (90-Day Business Action Plan) worth $395 from Simplicity Mastered™.


IronSun logo

Creating Tomorrow

If you haven’t completed the short survey there is still time for you to win free custom greeting cards that will be mailed for you-just in time for the holidays-as well as a copy of Zhana’s lastest success book. Simply complete the survey today:

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