Black Women in Europe

You don’t have to come to Stockholm; survey reminder; and be an early bird

Hejsan from Stockholm!

1. The Black Women in Europe™ blog will provide live coverage from the 3rd Annual European Union Equality Summit on 16 and 17 November starting at 9:00 am. To tune in and participate from your computer you can view it on the homepage of the Black Women in Europe™ social network, or here the blog.

2. Don’t miss your chance to participate in the Black Women in Europe™ second and third anniversaries survey and to qualify to win prizes from Simplicity Mastered™, Zhana’s Success Stories Books, Ironsun Organics, Send Out Cards, Creating Tomorrow, Morganna’s Alchemy, and Sheabutter Cottage. Take the survey today.


3. Early bird registration is available through 30 January for the World Diversity Summit Europe in Vienna, Austria next year. Learn more about the summit and registration.



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  1. Creating_Tomorrow

    Great initiative, Adrianne. Will you also be posting a post-summit commentary or summary?

  2. Good idea Trina, I will try my best to do just that.

  3. Creating_Tomorrow

    Thx, Adrianne!

  4. Creating_Tomorrow

    Great initiative, Adrianne. Will you also be posting a post-summit commentary or summary?

  5. Good idea Trina, I will try my best to do just that.

  6. Creating_Tomorrow

    Thx, Adrianne!

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