Black Finland

Zahra Ali Abdulla, Somalian-born Helsinki City Council Member, Midwife and Nurse

Zahra Ali Abdulla’s was elected to a 4th term as a member of Helsinki City Council.

Here is her brief bio taken from her official website:

-Born in Somalia, lived years in Egypt and Kenya in her youth, studied medicine the Soviet Union but had to discard goal to complete the studies of gyneacology when Soviet Union disappeared from the map. Still dreams of finishing these studies, although precarious work assignments and student loans are big obstacles.

-A Citizen of Finland since 1998.

-Mother, midwife, precarious worker, member of Helsinki City Council. Most voted immigrant in 2003 parliamentary elections. A mother of three, living in Lauttasaari. Speaks fluently Finnish, Somali, English, Arabic and Russian.

-An active member in many associations and official committees on racism, immigrant and multicultral issues, health, and equality.

-Among hobbies are theatre (acting in Raivoisat Ruusut -Theatre production Kassandra in 2001), cooking and outdooring with daughter Jasmin.

-A Refugee Woman of the Year 2003 by Suomen Pakolaisapu, according to whizc Zahra among other things has been examplary representative not only of her own ethnic Somali community but also of her own self in Finnish society.

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  1. Wow! I am impressed with her language skills! 5 languages?! That is talent.

  2. Yes, she is inspiring in many ways.

  3. Good for you! 🙂

  4. Good for you! 🙂

  5. im impressed about her talent welldone zahra u r a rolmodel 2 many somali girls including me waaw keep up da good work

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