
Research shows that migrants are often very healthy when they first move to a country, but then become more vulnerable to certain health conditions. For some it’s because certain illnesses are more common in their home country, for others it’s because illnesses are related to specific behaviours or attitudes, or change in environment. Another reason could be that some people find it hard to use healthcare services in their new home.

aMASE: advancing Migrant Access to health Services in Europe is a European Commission funded community study. It is being led by researchers from University College London, UK, and the Institute of Health Carlos III, Spain. In a nutshell, aMASE allows migrants to feedback about their experiences of healthcare systems across Europe so that healthcare providers can plan better, more appropriate services for ALL people living in Europe.  The survey is strictly anonymous and confidential, and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Participants have to be aged 18+ and living outside their country of birth.

The survey is available in 14 languages.


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