African Diaspora

Call for submissions: Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women in the Global Diaspora.

On January 20, 2009, Michelle Obama became the 44th First Lady of the United States. Unlike previous First Lady’s she is distinguished not only as the most educated First Lady but the first African American First Lady. Her rise to this position was extraordinary. Throughout the nearly two-year presidential campaign, Michelle Obama demonstrated intelligence, grace under fire, tenacity, perseverance and indefatigable spirit.

Follow up letters to the book Go, Tell Michelle, African American Women Write to the New First Lady. New submissions are requested from Black women living in Africa, Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin American, the Middle East, and South America addressed to Mrs. Michelle Obama.
We are especially interested in your reactions to this historic event in African American history; the public response to Michelle in your community; your perception of how Michelle has changed the image of Black Women around the world; public reaction when she visited your part of the world; your hopes and dreams for the First Lady; treatment of Michelle by the American and foreign press and your fears, cautions and hopes.

Why: Published in the upcoming book Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women in the Global Diaspora.

What: Submissions can be poems, letters, and other prose and should be between 350 -800 words.

When: Your deadline for submission is October 1, 2009. Submit to: (Uncrowned Queens Institute). Send questions to and

Visit: Go, Tell Michelle Sisterhood Network at on

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