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Another very successful World Diversity Leadership Summit Europe (WDLS-EU) 2011

WDLS EU 2011

Over 250 national and international diversity experts from 97 companies, organizations, and the media including Ross Cook Ins., The Winters Group, Virtcom consulting, Adecco North America, UK and France, Bank of America, European Central Bank, Government of Bermuda, Duke University, OMV, ORF, etc. attended WDLS-EU 2011.

Among the 65 high-ranking speakers Howard Ross, Mary Frances Winters, Rainer Münz, Cecilia Dahlström, Ambassdor Eichtinger, attended the 2nd WDLS-EU from March 22nd to 25th 2011, under the title “Benchmarking European and global diversity and for leadership” in Vienna.

Visit our photo gallery for impressions from this year’s Summit including our Pre-summit, WDLS-EU days 1 and 2, European Diversity Leadership Honours Reception and Closing Embassy Reception:
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For a short Video from the Summit please click:

WDLS-EU congratulates the first winners of the first European Diversity Leadership Honours 2011


On March 24th 2011, the first European Diversity Leadership –EDL-Honours took place at the Modul University in Vienna in the context of the 2nd WDLS-EU. Proudly hosted by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry and under the patronage of the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Mr. Michael Spindelegger, the first EDL-Honours in four categories featuring:

Creative Leadership, Multicultural Working Environment, Innovative Research Findings and Work-Life Flexibility went to eight companies among which Henkel Central Eastern Europe GmbH, Ikea Austria, Mercer, Universum, London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, Centre for Creative Leadership, Ecker & Partner and ICUnet AG.

Each of the honours winning companies is playing a leading role in the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion in their respective companies thereby providing their employees the best available frameworks for their professional life while setting best practise examples in the field of Diversity and inclusion.

For more information about our European Diversity Leadership Honourees 2011 please click:, and share your impressions and feedback with us.

We are constantly updating our website with new materials and features. Should you want to share your impressions with us or have suggestions for upcoming WDLS-EU conferences, do please feel free to share with us. We highly appreciate your feedback and or suggestions!

About the World Diversity Leadership Summit (WDLS-EU)

WDLS-EU is Europe’s leading Diversity Summit that brings together national and international diversity and inclusion experts, senior CEOs, HR managers, CSR managers, policy makers, EU officials, diplomats, business consultants, academics, the media and representatives of the civil society to share best practices, innovations and future trends in the fields of business competitiveness and Diversity & Inclusion.
Visit us regularly for updates and ongoing activities of WDLS-EU, Or contact WDLS-EU us at

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