Our first free Yoga event will be on International Women’s Day 2023.

Black Women in Europe ®️ Blog & Always Home Yoga

It was in July 2022 that we first started talking about offering a free Yoga class to the Black Women in Europe®️ community. I was in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training and teaching a class was part of my practicum. Well, I made other arrangements, am now a Registered (& certified) Yoga Teacher, and never forgot my promise to our community.

In August, I posted about What Is on Offer with this free class. Just because the class is free doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have expectations. I also shared Our Agreements for participating in the Yoga class.

I am happy to invite you to a free Black Women in Europe®️ Yoga class powered by Always Home Yoga to celebrate International Women’s Day 2023. Register here https://bit.ly/AHYBWIEvents.

Looking ahead…

We’re offering free Yoga classes throughout 2023. Take a look at the months and themes:

MarchInternational Women’s Day Free Yoga Class
April(Inter)National Self Care Day Free Yoga Class
MayPride Month Free Yoga Class
MayMemorial Day Free Yoga Class (honoring and mourning the military personnel who had died while serving in the United States Armed Forces)
JuneJuneteenth Free Yoga Class
September(Inter)National Voter Registration Day Free Yoga Class
OctoberWorld Menopause Day Free Yoga Class
NovemberWomen’s Entrepreneurship Day Free Yoga Class
DecemberSt. Lucia’s Day Festival of Lights Free Yoga Class

You can register for March 8th, as well as see the exact dates, and register for all of our free Yoga sessions in 2023 here: https://bit.ly/AHYBWIEvents

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1 Comment

  1. […] a promise made along the way to reaching a goal, you may know that we’re offering free online Yoga classes […]

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