Black Ireland

Benedicta Attoh is standing in the Dundalk South area of County Louth in Ireland for the Local County Elections

Benedicta Attoh is the recipient of numerous awards for her work in interculturalism, including of the Rehab Louth Person of the Year Award. She is originally from Nigeria and has lived in Dundalk, Ireland for a number of years.

An independent cultural trainer, and a former Development and Public Awareness Officer with the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, she has played a leading role in racial integration in Co Louth, and nationally.

She contested the 2004 Local Elections as an Independent candidate and subsequently held the position of Vice-Chair of the Labour Party in Louth.

Ms Attoh is a member of the Louth African Womens Support Group. She is the Dundalk Branch Co-ordinator of the Integration of African Children (IACI) in Ireland, a multicultural youth club.

Read more about her, learn what her position is, and find out how to vote.

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  1. Bennie,

    You have my support and I hope one day my vote as an EU Parliamentarian!!!
    I wish you all the best!

    Many Blessings for Success,


  2. Very pleased for her and I wish her every success!

  3. Thank you sister, we are on a mission, forward ever, back never, Europe here we come. Yvette, I and the rest of the sisters……………………our tiny voices will surely be heard one day.

    Adrianne, well done. We missed you in Amsterdam. Keep up the good work, we appreciate you.


  4. You are a force of nature Bennie! Keep up the winds of change. I so missed being with my sisters in Holland. Hugs from Stockholm!

  5. Thanks for supporting Benedicta, Valerie!

  6. Hear, hear!

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  8. how dya gat dthe asylam in the irlan. me herd it grate fur da govment muney

  9. Benny

    Well done in the election

    Hope i will get the opportunity to vote for you again in the near future


  10. Bennie

  11. Benny

    Well done in the election

    Hope i will get the opportunity to vote for you again in the near future



  13. Bennie you are an inspiration to all

  14. Benny, all the best, you deserve it sister…..

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