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1 Comment

  1. Black River Eagle

    My team here in Germany has good contact to the Black European Studies program office at the University of Mainz. We received special permission to use their online archives for our Black History in Germany and Europe project earlier this year (Feb, Mar 2007). Take a look at my blog archives for Feb-Mar-Apr 2007 or just do a Google search for “black history Europe Germany” to see our work at Jewels in the Jungle and the Atlantic Review blogs.

    I just found some new stuff online today in re: to what happened to Amo’s Ghost (Anton Wilhelm Amo (1704-1784), the first black African 18th Century philosopher and medical doctor to be educated at university in Europe and to instruct at two famous German universities as a full professor). There is a new book coming out soon about the life of Amo and I had a chance to get a sneak preview of a few excerpts. Shocking stuff! Drop me a line at my blog if you are interested in learning more.

    Bill @ Jewels in the Jungle

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