According to Websters:
Main Entry: 1ex??pa??tri??ate
Pronunciation: \ek-??sp??-tr??-????t\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ex??pa??tri??at??ed; ex??pa??tri??at??ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin expatriatus, past participle of expatriare to leave one’s own country, from Latin ex- + patria native country, from feminine of patrius of a father, from patr-, pater father ??? more at father
Date: 1768

According to us:
Black Expatriate
Main Entry: A brother or sister doing their thing in a foreign land with their head held up high.

Be on the look out for a new eZine for Black Expats past, present and future.

The eZine will feature Black Expat profiles, articles, and information to make your move abroad a good one.

Tell us what you would like to see in Black Expat magazine by contacting the Editor: editor(at)

Look for the first issue in March 2008.

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