Whitney is currently living in Norway and authors the Whitney’s Big Adventure blog. She’s got a great job and a good life. Here’s a bit about her:
Now for your edification, a little about me. I am a refined, independent girl currently EMPLOYED and working hard to learn a new language (my third) and maintain what remains of my fragmented American identity.
I???ve been living and working (most of the time) in various European countries since I left the U.S. in March 2005 in search of life, love and an excellent imported but locally available Pinotage. I’m originally from the Southwestern U.S., but I now live in Norway.
Although, my 27 years of life have so far exposed me to the finer things, and deepened my appreciation for, and joy of, small pleasures, I can still appreciate the joys of an upbringing breed in middle class hopes and girlhood dreams.
Previous entries in the series:
England 2