“Be Your Best Valentine and Love Yourself”
Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Whether you give a gift to your sweetheart on this holiday or not, I do hope that you are making sure to love yourself each and every day.
Maybe you show your love for yourself by making healthy choices, or saying “no” instead of trying to please and saying “yes”. Or maybe you treat yourself to quiet time everyday.
How do you show yourself love?
Let me know your favorite way to show the world that you love yourself and you could win one of three prizes exclusively for Black Women in Europe™ Social Network members in Holland, as our prize sponsors each reside in the Netherlands:
Win one of three prizes:
From Màrshé Breda
* Twee culinaire arrangementen voor twee personen op locatie bij màrshé Breda. De winnaars kunnen kiezen uit de diverse dagschotels.
* Een gratis coachingsessie voor een twee (startende) onderneemster bij Màrshé Women Business centre.
From Carolyn Vines
* A copy of her new book: Black and (A)broad
“black and (A)broad is a love story of sorts as it recounts my relationship with my Dutch husband. Deciding to marry outside my culture, nationality as well as my race – with its ups and downs – is a story within itself. Interracial marriages can and do survive, and my book gives a glimpse into mine”.
Email your loving tip to contact@blackwomenineurope.com. Members of the Black Women in Europe™ Social Network will choose their three favorites and you may win! Be sure to indicate which prize you would like.
Not a member of the network? Join the Black Women in Europe™ Social Network here:
You are a member of the network and live in the Netherlands, but you haven’t joined the group? Join the Black Women in Europe™ Social Network Black Holland Group here:
Oh boy I really got to get my hands on a copy of this book and read it now. That author seems to pop up all over the place..
I think you will enjoy it.