BME Concern

We are BME Concern


Our vision:

A world where there’s no hunger, where an African woman can feed her family and an African child can survive and develop to his full potential.

Our mission:

To inspire support for the empowerment of minority women (in the UK), inspire support for the African village woman and achieve sustainable and lasting change in reduction of poverty for the African village woman.

What we do:

In Africa we work in African villages to set up Village Enterprises for women, small businesses to generate income to feed children and sustain a family; we run medical surgeries and AIDs awareness campaigns.

In the UK, we support women in distress, help women back to work and run Youth projects that educate the youth about African culture and Norms.

What you can do:

Support our Village Enterprise Appeal, investment in the African village woman, and save a generation of children from a life of hunger and poverty:

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