Editor’s note: Faith earned a bachelor and master’s degree at Howard University. If you would like to financial support her research project visit her donation page.

Hej hej Family and Friends,

It is hard to believe that I have been in Sweden for six months. It seems like yesterday that I made the decision to pursue my research goals and finish writing my book. Because of your generosity and the assistance of a scholarship from the American Swedish Institute, I have been able to take advantage of this opportunity of a lifetime.

When I began fundraising last year, I thought it nearly impossible to reach my initial goal of $20,000.00, but with your support I have been able to raise $13,885.00 in cash and in-kind donations. Before I sent this email out, I struggled with what exactly I would say without offending anyone or seeming too much like a late night infomercial begging to help feed starving children in a country far away. However, I was coerced by a dear friend who told me that I should state what my goal is directly and sincerely. This, of course, also reminded me of one of the many lessons my mother taught me: You have not because you ask not!!

My current fundraising goal is $6115.00, and this amount will cover my living and transportation expenses from now until August of this year when I am scheduled to return back to Chicago.

If you have helped me get this far along, I truly thank you and gently ask you to consider donating again. If you haven’t been able to contribute, please consider doing so today by contributing via my fundraising website at: www.gofundme.com/projectsweden.

Many people have asked what living in Sweden has been like for me. Others have asked more about my research which looks at bullying in a multi-cultural school environment and the progress of my book dedicated to girls without mothers. With help from a friend, we have been able to put together a video that I believe depicts quite well what my experiences have been like so far. Please feel free to watch and share the video with others.

Thank you again for your support and for sharing my work and video. Finally, I ask for your thoughts and prayers as I submit additional scholarship applications to support my research endeavors.

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