black france Black Paris

Carolyn Moncel moved from Chicago to Paris, currently resides in Lausanne and is the author of two books

A virtual media and web consultant by day and author by night, Carolyn Davenport-Moncel moved to Paris from Chicago, her hometown, in 2001. In Paris, she started the first English-speaking Virtual Assistance firm. Known for her online articles on media relations, Moncel owns MotionTemps, LLC (, a Digital Project and Web Content Management firm with offices in Chicago, Paris and Geneva; and its subsidiary, Mondavé Communications (, a media relations training and publishing company.

Carolyn Moncel

She has written, placed articles and been featured in such diverse publications as,, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Wired News, International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Working Mother, Bonjour Paris, and

Author of Encounters in Paris – A Collection of Short Stories, Carolyn currently resides in Lausanne, Switzerland with her husband and two daughters. Her latest work is called 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover—A Novella and Other Short Stories. Her next collection of short stories, Encounters in Chicago – A Collection of Short Stories will debut in fall 2012. Discover her other works at

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