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Celebrate with Oxford African Caribbean Conversation (OACC): African-History Month

Black History Month

Oxford African Caribbean Conversation (OACC) will meet during October’s African-History Month at East Oxford Community Centre, Princes Street, which is located off Cowley Road.  

                  The first meeting will be on Monday 7th October at 6-8pm. 

                                                         From 6-7pm 

I will share the many correspondence OACC has received and discuss our campaign to end Police-related violence which has claimed the lives of two of Oxford’s African-skin residents recently.  

                                                            From 7-8pm

OACC will present the oldest African-authored book on Planet Earth, The African Book of the Dead.  

The African-authored Book of the Dead, has deeply influenced world religions, jurisprudence and cosmology.  You may be astonished with just how many concepts and ideas were introduced to the Caucasian world by the African-authored Book of the Dead.    

                           Saturday 12th October, The Story of Jazz

                                                  From 7:30-10.30 pm 

Come and hear the story of Jazz.  The Story of Jazz is also the story of the African-American people.  We will tell the story of jazz by playing the most popular songs and highlighting the lives of the people who created Jazz.   

Oxford’s own pianist Nick Gill will play the early Jazz hits. Then join us for a free style dance session with Oxford’s own Lindy Hopper’s as we dance the evening with Jazz themed music.  

This is an OACC fundraising event. £10 for the able or £5 concessionary payable at the door.  The bar will be open.  

                                     Monday 14th October 6-7.30pm  

                                     At East Oxford Community Centre

OACC asks: “what place will Africa and Africans occupy in Lucifer’s New World Order?  Corporate mineral companies have claimed vast lands in Africa.  Will this bring employment and prosperity to Africa or will the African wealth continue to benefit western European companies?

                            What resistance can OACC make?

With the BBC reprimanding its dark skin morning presenter for sharing her experience of being told to “go home.”

And with the Equalities Commission refusing to assist people experiencing colour base discrimination. 

With over sixty Caribbean people being illegally exiled to the Caribbean in 2018.  

With Parliament, Local Authorities, the Police, the Prisons and the Church of England falling over themselves to attend to the demands of England’s LGBTQIA+ people. Has the struggle to end England’s colour-based discrimination been lost?    

                                                   Monday 21 October

                                                         6-7.30 pm

The psychologist Jordan Peterson says human beings are hardwired to search for their social-status.

Given that African-skin people have low social status in Caucasian societies.  What psychological measures should be taken to correct the low status of African-skin people in English society?

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