Dear Hillary Clinton,

We’re sick of the “kitchen sink” strategy that degrades Obama and you. Obama has won more primaries and caucuses and has more delegates than you. Your wanting to win at any cost is terrifying when the goal is to get the Republicans out of the White House. Your tactics are alienating Obama supporters, undecided Independent voters and is extremely divisive.

Dear Reader,

1. If you’re sick of the Clinton tactics and ugly remarks by her surrogates sign the petition to get Hillary to concede.

2. Write or email the Democratic Party and tell them you want Clinton to give up:

Mailing Address:
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

Main Phone Number:
+1 202-863-8000

3. Contact the Hillary camp via this link.

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  1. Outstanding! It is wonderful to see the outpouring of energy around the blogosphere today as part of the Day of Blogging for Voter Justice. My contribution to the effort is posted on the Electronic Village as well…

    peace, Villager

  2. Black Women in Europe

    Let’s see if we can get some traction on this.

  3. Citizen Politician

    Forcing or demanding a candidate concede is some real “right-wing” tactic. I am very disappointed at people who call themselves American trying to interrupt the voting process.

  4. just here to show support

    thatgirlboo from therealready

  5. Christina Springer

    Citizen, This is more like asking a team member who has consistently fumbled the ball to take the bench for a moment. Then again – as I pointed out in my post – this is not a game. The stakes are much, much higher.

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