UPDATE: There are 12 audio clips that will be uploaded here. For optimal listening enjoyment please use your headphones.

Here is the audio from the workshop titled Media futures – the equality challenge in focus moderated by Aidan White.

The panelists were:

Dorothy Byrnem Head of News and Current Affairs, Channel 4 Television (Inspirational message), UK, Ms. Lena Calvert, National Union of Journalists, Diversity Officer, UK (Presentation of best practices of promoting equality), Ralf Nehmzow, Axel Spring, Redakteur/Leser-Botschafter, Germany (How diversity is approached in press companies), Allan Jones, European Broadcasting Union presented the Diversity Toolkit, Robin Elias, Managing Editor, ITV News, UK (Diversity pledge), Fifi Schwarz, Newspapers in Education, The Netherlands (New forms of engagement with civil society and minority groups), Rosario Ali Taikon, E Romani Glinda, Sweden (Support for developing new media initiatives and business models with a focus on equality issues), and Milica Pesic, Coordinator of the European Survey on Media and Diversity (Innovative practices in European Media).

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