I am working on a project that includes compiling advice from Americans who have lived abroad for Americans who want to live abroad.
I would be grateful if you took a few moments to write your 5 sentences or less quote via the link below. And I would be doubly grateful if you asked other Americans you know who have lived or who are living abroad to contribute a paragraph:
Thank you!
Anyone need info on South Korea…be happy to discuss…
I just sent you an email about being interviewed for Black Expat online magazine.
Hello, I stumble across this website. I need some advise. I am an African American women who have been thinking about relocating outside of the United States. Im currently looking for resources to how find out ways to make it possible.
I'll email you.
Hi, do you have any info on Switzerland? My email is rainbowgurl152005@yahoo.com
Not sure what you want to know. You can ask me specific questions: contact@blackwomenineurope.com
Thanks for getting in contact with me. Do you live in Switzerland? Are there any interracial couples there? Do the European men love Black women there? Do they treat African Americans good there? Stuff like that. I am planning on traveling there next May
Thanks for getting in contact with me. Do you live in Switzerland? Are there any interracial couples there? Do the European men love Black women there? Do they treat African Americans good there? Stuff like that. I am planning on traveling there next May
I was wondering what it would be like to travel in Portugal as a African American women?
I think you would be fine as long as you are a courteous traveler!
I’d like to have information about living in Accra Ghana or Singapore. I’m an African American Woman age 59 ready to slow the pace down. How can I make it possible to visit and see if that is right for me on a shoe string budget. Regular working woman no degree however, I’ve got mad skills in other areas computer, people etc.
Check out Black Expat.com
I am an African American Single Mom of a 9 1/2 year old son. I’m really contemplating moving us overseas sometime in 2012. Can you lead me to some resources for more information? Thank you.
Once you formulate why you want to move and what you require there: English speaking school? Will you have a job waiting for you? If you don’t need a job what type of lifestyle do you want, etc. you will be in a position to search out the sources you need. Otherwise the book stores are filled with books about moving overseas.
Here’s a link you can share with your family and friends who might be interested in our page on African Americans interested in retiring abroad but aren’t on Facebook. Actually there are two links you can share that will get them back to the group page:
1. http://www.africanamericansretireabroad.com/