Look how far we've come
Look How Far We’ve Come: Getting Racism Back On The Agenda? Conference Thursday May 8 2014, 6-9pm The Abbey Centre,
34 Great Smith Street, Westminster London SW1P 3BU For background, and booking attendance, stall, literature display space or advertise in Conference brochure/bookazine: www.LookHowFar.eventbrite.com

This is to invite you and remind you that the early-bird deal to attend the Look How Far We’ve Come: Getting Racism Back On The Agenda? Conference ends on Saturday April 12.

The Conference is to address issues regarding racism raised by a number of contributors when BTWSC/AHR was researching African British history for the ‘Look How Far We’ve Come: Racism, The Bristol Bus Boycott, Black History Month, The Black Sections, And Where Are We In Today’s Union Jack?’ book.

The Conference will provide a forum for discussing issues pertaining to racism, highlight what stakeholders are doing about racism, and how racism can be brought back on the agenda. As it is meant to be a “towards solutions” Conference, the presentations, workshops and plenary session will focus on strategies to combat racism, and not just dwell on the problems.

There are opportunities for stalls and display space at the Conference, and for advertising in the Conference brochure/bookazine. We are particularly interested in advertisers who can provide ads which relate to the following themes: Race/Racism, Equalities, Inclusion, Integration, Diversity, or Multiculturalism. As it is meant to be a “towards solutions” Conference, it adds value if your ad reflects what you are doing within these fields.

Costs range from £20 for a classified listing, to £350 for a full page ad in an A5 sized, full colour document, which is meant to be value-added and have a shelf life that extends well beyond the Look… Conference. Through its editorial content and targeted advertising, the brochure is meant to serve as a useful resource for years to come for research, seminars and conferences on Racism, and related subjects.

All details, booking to attend, for stalls or to advertise can be made at www.LookHowFar.eventbrite.com. Credit card and processing fees will be passed on to any payments received after April 16 2014.

Additionally, you may be interested to know that the Look How Far We’ve Come: Racism, The Bristol Bus Boycott, Black History Month, The Black Sections, And Where Are We In Today’s Union Jack? book and the Look How Far We’ve Come: Commentaries On British Society And Racism? DVD, which will be published on May 1.

The book documents African British histories from the context of racism and racial equality policies, and the DVD consists of contributors* responding to the question: How far has Britain come as a society in dealing with racism and racial equality issues?

Please note – for Conference specific enquires, please contact Awula Serwah, Conference co-ordinator via btwsc@hotmail.com.

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