Source: Georgina Sweeney

HOW TO END THE YEAR ON A HIGH and prepare for an amazing 2013…

This isn’t a complicated process by any means but it does involve setting aside some quiet time for reflection and a little writing. Don’t worry, nothing too laborious 😉
You’ll need about 30-60 minutes to complete this exercise.
You’ll also need a pen and three sheets of paper (printer paper works great.)


First, create your gratitude list. Understanding why we are grateful for something or someone allows us to not only experience an even deeper level of gratitude and raise our vibration but also attract more of the same on a more conscious level.

Step 1

Take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle so that you have two columns.
At the top of the left-hand column write the words “WHAT I AM GRATEFUL FOR IN 2012.” At the top of the right-hand column write the words “WHY I AM GRATEFUL.”

Step 2

Now, in your mind, replay your year from January through December pausing to write down the positive highlights from each month in the “what I am grateful for” column. These can include the people in your life, your health, your wealth, your home, business achievements, how you handled tough situations, where you grew emotionally, fun events, happy memories, family additions, new connections, anything that makes you and your heart smile as you recall them 🙂 Really allow yourself to go hog wild here, using more than one sheet of paper if you wish. If you find the calendar approach is too linear for you, simply write whatever you are grateful for as it comes to you.

Step 3

Next, opposite everything you feel grateful for, write down the reason WHY in the “why I am grateful” column. The easiest way to do this is to say “I am grateful because…” and then fill in the blank.
No matter how “good” or “bad” you think your year has been, I guarantee you will see it in a whole new light once you complete this exercise 🙂


Now that you have spent several minutes re-experiencing happy thoughts and feelings and raising your vibration, it’s time to release what you no longer want, so you can start 2013 unhindered.

Step 1

Take a second sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle so that you have two columns.
At the top of the left-hand column write the words “WHAT I NO LONGER WANT.”
At the top of the right-hand column write the words “WHAT I WANT INSTEAD.”

Step 2

Replay your year again only this time write down anything that you wish to leave behind in 2012 in the column entitled “what I no longer want.” Once again, go hog wild! This is your opportunity to pull out of you all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and situations you no longer wish to experience in the future.

Step 3

Next, opposite everything you no longer want, write down what you want instead.
By focusing on the positive instead of the negative, we immediately raise our vibration and put ourselves in a position to attract what we DO want.


Now comes the fun part: dreaming up your ideal 2013.

Step 1

Take your third sheet of paper and, at the top of the page, write the words:
“MY AMAZING 2013!”

Step 2

Now, unleash onto the paper everything you want to create in 2013. In business, in your personal life, in your relationships, in your health and body, in your finances… This is your opportunity to start attracting NOW what you want to experience in the New Year and beyond.
An easy way to do this is to fill in the blank after the following sentence:
“I am so happy and grateful now that….”
For example:
I am so happy and grateful now that I am 100% healthy and happy.
I am so happy and grateful now that I earn over $10,000 every month.
You can also include what you wrote in your gratitude list, as well as the opposite of what you chose to release from the “what I want instead” column.
Note – whatever you write should be in the present tense and be positively-worded. For added closure, you can also burn the list of things you no longer want and watch the flames transform them into new energy.

Step 3

Keep your Amazing 2013 sheet of paper handy and read it on a daily or regular basis, incorporating as much emotion as you can and visualizing how good life will be.
And that’s it, a simple but effective way to end the year on a high and prepare for an amazing year ahead.

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