The first Intercontinental biannual Europe Africa Business Summit (EABS) is now to take place from 28th to 30th April 2008 at the New Congress Centre (CCH) of the historical metropolitan City of Hamburg, the gate way to the world.

The EABS provides a platform in which business leaders especially from the private sector, policy makers and academics will share ideas and build consensus around developing creative and sustainable business partnership relationships with Africa.

The high light of the summit is to provide a platform for the creation of direct business to business transactions that will be met through one-on-one meetings, by matching Medium or Small Enterprises (SMEs) that are looking to actively engage in cross-continental trade and investment with companies and enable participants to efficiently and effectively identify partnering opportunities.

To enable you to get your invitation to be part of the event either as delegate, speaker, sponsor or exhibitor, please click here for details:

Please send us a feedback if you are interested and we shall regularly keep you posted on the event updates. Also please divert this mail to persons who this event may be of relevancy.

I warmly welcome you to join us in Hamburg and hope to drew from your experience.

Your sincerely

Natasha A. Kelly
Exhibition Organiser

Bohmter Strasse 40
49074 Osnabrueck

Fon: +49-541-97126-30
Fax: +49-541-97126-66

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