Black Women in Europe

Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently

Hat tip: Deena Pierott

The Strong Life Test presents you with a number of scenarios and then challenges you to identify which decision you would make. Be sure to go with your top-of-mind response; your immediate, unfiltered reaction is always the most revealing.

Of course, your test results will not define you completely–there’s a good deal more fine-tuning you’ll want to do on your own to add detail and specificity. But what the test will do is show you where to start your search for a strong life.

I think the test is a good starting point. If you want to buy the book please follow for this link to for Find Your Strongest Life: What the Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently, or Abe Books or Barnes & Noble, and your purchase will help support the Black Women in Europe™ Blog.

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