black Scandinavia

Gloria Ray Karlmark-Little Rock 9 trailblazer-Swedish resident-Meet her on the 13th in Stockholm

Lucia Day Luncheon – December 13, 2007

with Emily Samson Tepe

11:45 a.m.-2 p.m.

Stockholm Grand Hotel, Hall of Mirrors

Special Guest – Gloria Ray Karlmark

Just before Christmas, Lucia comes to light up the long Swedish winter nights. Enjoy this bright and beautiful Lucia Day celebration in the elegant setting of the Grand Hotel???s Hall of Mirrors. Gloria Ray Karlmark, one of the members of the Little Rock Nine , will be our guest speaker and will tell us of the foundation she and ???The Nine??? have established, providing educational scholarships to lower-income children in America. She will also share with us her lifetime of work promoting positive race relations in the US, and her perspectives on Sweden. This will be followed by a traditional Lucia candlelight ceremony with the Emily Samson Tepe.

Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King are household names in the US for their roles in America???s Civil Rights movement. Less-known but equally important are the Little Rock Nine : 9 black high school kids who gained national attention in 1957 by challenging the South???s segregation of schools when they entered all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Forty years later, the Nine were honoured at the White House by President Bill Clinton, each receiving the highest award a non-military citizen can receive, the Congressional Gold Medal. Now, fifty years later, you have an opportunity to hear one of the Little Rock Nine speak at this year???s American Club Lucia Luncheon!

Gloria Ray Karlmark has lived in Sweden nearly 40 years, working throughout Europe for IBM and serving 15 years as Editor In Chief for the Computers in Industry journal, which she co-founded in 1976.

Fresh back from the US where she and her 8 colleagues commemorated the 50-year anniversary of that fateful day they walked through the gates of Central High School and into the history books, Gloria Ray Karlmark will tell us of the foundation she and ???The Nine??? have established, providing educational scholarships to lower-income kids in America. She will also share with us her lifetime of work promoting positive race relations in the US, and also of her perspectives on Sweden.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to hear one of America???s foremost Civil Rights pioneers!

11:45 a.m. Registration in Str??msalongerna and gl??gg and pepparkakor in the Vapensalen

12:00 p.m. Lucia luncheon in the Spegelsalen (Hall of Mirrors) with:

Speaker: Gloria Ray Karlmark
Lottery drawing
Music: Emily Samson Tepe

2:00 p.m. Luncheon concludes

DATE: Thursday, December 13, 2007

TIME: 11:45 a.m. ??? 2:00 p.m.

PLACE: Grand Hotel, Hall of Mirrors

COST: SEK 450:- per member before December 4; SEK 500:- thereafter. Members may bring one guest at the member price. SEK 575:- per non-member or additional guests. SEK 5000:- per table of 10 (4500:- if before December 4th)

RESERVATION AND PAYMENT: Reservation and payment no later than December 8. Reservations to Lucia Luncheon: email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call Mike at 073 714 8789. Then, send payment to Bankgiro 5473-6830. Write ???Lucia Luncheon??? and print legibly the names of the participants. Space is limited – first come, first served. Reservations are binding after December 8.

Space is limited – Book early!

Cancellations must be made no later than 5 p.m. Friday, December 8, 2006. Reservations are binding thereafter.

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    Do you ever discuss Islam on this blog? Given people of African decent are converting to Islam at a frightening level, maybe you should.

    Please see my latest article on slavery which may enlighten you on the true slave master…Mohammad.

    Don’t be fooled into converting.

  2. Black Women in Europe

    The Arab slave trade is well documented as probably the oldest in the world.

    However this blog isn’t about religion so I probably won’t share information about people of African decent converting to Islam.

    However, I am interested in positive stories about black women in Europe.

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