The Most Powerful Black Women in Europe List

This year we will publish our 10th Power List. Is that amazing or what? I say amazing. Amazing that we celebrate us. Amazing that we have so many to celebrate. Amazing that 10 years has passed so quickly.

If you know of a black woman in Europe doing amazing, against the odds, inspiring things, let me know. You can email me on contact (at)

View our previous lists below to see who he have honored in the past.

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2018 – A List of Our Own©

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2017 – A List of Our Own©

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2016 – A List of Our Own©

Read their inspirational biographies.

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2015 – A List of Our Own©

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2014 – A List of Our Own©

Read their inspirational biographies.

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2013 – A List of Our Own©

Read their inspirational biographies

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2012 – A List of Our Own©

Read their inspirational biographies.

Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2011 – A List of Our Own©

Read their inspiring biographies.


Black Women in Europe™: Power List 2010 – A List of Our Own©

Read their inspirational biographies.

Join the Black Women in Europe™ Kiva team.

BWIE Kiva Team

Since 2013 the Black Women in Europe™ Kiva team has grown to 8 members and has provided $250 in loans. Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. Our collective efforts will make a difference to an individual, a group, and a community.

Let’s support women. You don’t have to wait to start giving as part of our team. Choose a project and click on the amount you would like to donate. Remember as little as $25 is all that is needed. You’ll be taken to your basket where you can select what lending team your loans should count towards. Beneath the “Count Towards Team” column, you’ll see a drop down box with Black Women in Europe™’s lending team listed. Click that box and select the Black Women in Europe™’s lending team and the loan to will count towards our team.

Thank you and Go Team!

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