This blog is about how a late bloomer-finally takes a stab at some of her personal dreams. Let’s start with Dream #1 – JOINING THE PEACE CORPS. Status: Actively serving as a PCV in the Republic of Azerbaijan. But it doesn’t stop there…


Meet the blogger:

  • Job: Peace Corps Volunteer
  • Country:  Azerbajdzjan

Presentation Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? I believe I’m the tortoise. I have an affinity with Dr. Pepper, spend too much money on books, and I swear everything can be fixed. After countless dating Faux Pauxs, I finally have a great boyfriend. My cat loves him more than me, but he loves me more than masturbation. I’m a college graduate and one of the many african americans that doesn’t identify with THE GAME or anything on BET.

  • Interest:  Dancing, Traveling, riding motorcycles, cooking, reading, soaking up the sun, sleeping, playing with my bad cat, kissing my boyfriend, cooking for my sisters, shopping and most importantly giving something to someone who may not have what I have. Also staying open to receiving.
  • Favorite films:  Wall E, 300, Scent of Woman, She Hates Me, Do the Right Thing, UP, Crooklyn, Muppets take Manhattan, Into the Wild, 300(again), THOR
  • Favorite Music: Anything that stirs my emotions.
  • Favorite books: The Alchemist, The History of God, oh the list is longer than you really want to know.

Visit the One Dream at a Time blog.

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1 Comment

  1. Congratulations in having the courage to pursue your dream!

    If you enjoy reading inspiring stories about female characters, check out my Novel ‘Heifer’ which is being sold as an ebook through German based publisher

    Keep dreaming & posting!

    Best Regards,
    Mahasin M.

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