Mary Seacole
Image courtesy of the National Library of Jamaica

When Mary Seacole nursed the sick and wounded on the front line in the Crimea she did not ask for, or expect any reward. She did it for the British troops, who she loved and admired. They responded in equal generosity to the person they called “Mother Seacole”.

Mary Seacole
Image courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery, London

Mary Seacole was not a person to duck a challenge. She broke the race barrier to win the hearts and minds of the British people. She is a wonderful example of an individual who was determined to make a difference. She did so with the force of her personality and her untiring entrepreneurial spirit. This is why she remains such a powerful role model in today’s vibrant and diverse society.

–Lord Soley of Hammersmith, Chair of the Trustees

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Special event:

A visit to the National Portait Gallery to see the new display of Mary Seacole’s portrait.

The famous portait has recently been returned to the gallery after a period of being on loan. There is now a brand new display board next to the painting.

Thurs March 10th at 7pm, come for a talk on the portait and a highlights tour of the National Portrait Gallery collection. Please meet in the main hall. Ask for Paul Metcalfe Johnson for a highlights tour of the gallery.

There will be an opportunity to have a photograph taken which will be added to the offical website and help raise more awareness of the ongoing campaign.

There will be a charge of £5 per person, with all funds going towards the campaign.

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