black france Mrs. Obama’s Strasbourg Visit by AdrianneUpdated on 2009/04/042009/04/073 Comments on Mrs. Obama’s Strasbourg Visit Télézapping : Strasbourg, l’OTAN est venueUploaded by lemondefr Barrack, Michèle Carla et nicolas à Strasbourg OTAN 2009Uploaded by StrasTv
Updated on 2011/08/142011/08/17Carolyn Moncel moved from Chicago to Paris, currently resides in Lausanne and is the author of two books
Nice post there. Raised a few things I hadn't thought about before. Thx.
Nice post there. Raised a few things I hadn't thought about before. Thx.
Nice post there. Raised a few things I hadn't thought about before. Thx.