Yema Ferreira

My name is Yema Ferreira and I am a healer, psychotherapist and life coach. My mission is to spiritually liberate black and African people all over the world, and to be part of the movement to heal the collective trauma of black people and people of African descent resultant from slavery, colonization and neo-colonialism. Part of this process is to retrieve our History – our individual personal histories, our family and community histories, our national histories and, importantly, our pre-colonial history as a People.

— Yema Ferreira

Read more about Ferreira‘s background, motivation and credentials. Here is what a client has to say.

Ana, London: I was a bit stuck in my life. There were things I wanted to do and things I had to do, and both worlds became too overwhelming, and I did nothing. The workshop helped me create a map to navigate through my self-doubt and keep me moving. It gave me the tools to help focus my thought, language and communication into action. Every time I lose sight of my intention, I look at my vision board, and I can pick myself up again and carry on.

How Yema can help:


Psychotherapy, also referred to as counselling, can help you process difficult feelings and navigate through life’s challenging situations.

Stereotypical views of black people, racism, lack of knowledge of cultural differences on the part of mental health and wellbeing professionals and daily micro-aggressions, among other factors, affect black women’s mental health and wellbeing in profound ways.

Life Coaching

The coaching sessions are designed to help you connect to your inner power and live a fulfilling life guided by your intuition as you follow your dreams.

Would you like to discover the magic in you?

Here is a bit of Yema’s wisdom. Read more on her blog.

3 Tools for Self-Healing

  1. JournalingJournaling is helpful when you feel you cannot share your worries with anyone, due to either trust, safety or any other reason.
  2. MeditationI am sure you have heard that meditation is good for at least a million other things, which makes it dubious.
  3. Spending Time in NatureNature has the power to heal because it is our home.

Visit Yema Ferreira’s website today.

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