Aaron Dixon

East Oxford Community Centre, Saturday 24
th January 2015, 4pm.

Entrance free/ donation.

The Tricontinental Anti-Imperialist Platform and the African/ African Caribbean Kultural Heritage Initiative invite you to this exclusive conversation with brother/comrade Aaron Dixon. Aaron Dixon founded the Seattle branch of the Black Panther Party in his youth, developed the Free Breakfast Program for children which fed thousands of children, countered police brutality and developed global solidarity with movements against colonialism and neo-colonialism at the time.

At a time when the initiatives against police brutality are rising in the ‘west’, when movements are looking for viable examples of struggle and organising, the Black Panthers remain a signature experience to inform our present day struggles.

Aaron Dixon will also be signing copies of his book – My People Are Rising – which recounts his experiences as a Panther organiser.

The meeting will be followed by tasty Caribbean food from Taste of the Tropics from 6pm.

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