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Black Women in Europe™ Blog is a Media Parter with the World Diversity Leadership Summit Europe


The Black Women in Europe™ Blog is proud to announce that we are a media partner of the World Diversity Leadership Summit Europe taking place in Vienna Friday, March 12, 2010

The World Diversity Leadership Summit-WDLS brings together global diversity CEOs, policy and decision makers, corporate practitioners, academics, media, etc. to share their experiences, research findings, strategies and best practices on global diversity and inclusion.

Founded in 2004 in Prague, Czech Republic, the WDLS has grown to be one of the top annual global diversity conferences in the USA ( Past speakers have included global CEO’s, authors, educators, journalists, global maestro, lawyers, consultants, government leaders, diversity executives, business executives, and non-profit leaders.

The WDLS–EU summit is designed to provide powerful information and trends on business, research, education, media etc., which relate directly to market trends, global competition, sales and marketing. This conference also provides a forum for face-to-face networking between diversity thought leaders, potential strategic partners, prospects and customers.

The WDLS-EU is taking place from Thursday11th – Friday 12th March 2010 in Vienna, Austria.

WDLS-EU Panels

O Recruiting and Managing Diverse Talent by 2020
O Leveraging diversity in a demographically changing environment
O The hidden power of global supplier and marketplace diversity
O Comparative advantages of changing affinity groups
O Leveraging of European and Global Diversity and Inclusion by 2020
O The power of social networks in corporate recruitment and Retention by 2020

WDLS-EU 2010

WDLS-EU is focusing on regional and global strategies aiming at integrating diversity and inclusion to combat poverty and social exclusion in the “EU year of the eradication of poverty and social exclusion 2010”. Managing an ever aging population and a growing number of ethnic minorities is no doubt one of fhe greatest challenges of the European Union, its institutions and business in the 21. century. What strategies and tools are CEOs, management and the European Union envisaging at regional and global level to ensure equal opportunities through recruiting, managing and retaining diverse talents by 2020?

Sponsorship Opportunities

WDLS- EU provides conference sponsorship opportunities as well as conference event sponsorships. Within the conference, companies can sponsor specific events such as cocktail parties, luncheons, and other social activities – and utilize their own marketing strategies to make them a success and to maximize the sponsor’s recognition. The WDLS –EU conference provides powerful business research, education, and information, which relate directly to market trends, global competition, sales and marketing. This conference also provides a forum for face-to-face networking between leaders, potential strategic partners, prospects and customers. For information on sponsorship and other marketing opportunities, please contact:
Beatrice Achaleke, WDLS Conference Manager, +43 1 9660 425 or

Call for Speakers

Speakers are still being accepted for review. WDLS-EU-international-call-for-speakers.doc.
Please send your request, along with your press kit, to:
AFRA, Event Office for WDLS-EU,
Pelzgasse 7/1-2, A-1150 Wien


Registration fee includes participation in the conference sessions, split up sessions, conference materials, meals and both opening and closing receptions. Please make your payments by credit cards! Electronic receipts for registration fee are sent before the conference. For registration fee paid at the conference, receipts will be available at the conference registration desk.

WDLSE registration link

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